Friday, January 29, 2010

Meet Bob

I'm very excited to say that I won Bob (my dream stroller) on Ebay last night. It's brand new and I saved about $150 bucks. It will arrive in a few days and I can't wait for Spring to get here so I can break it in.


And now I'm addicted to Ebay again. Check out all these sweet girl dresses from Lolly Wolly Doodle Wear.
I have my eye on these for Easter dresses!


  1. Glad you finally got a Bob stroller. I am sure you will use that a lot this spring!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. WHAT!!! OhMyGoodness!!! i am SOOOO excited about this BOB! i know how bad you wanted it and now you will be way more stylish on your walks, well, minus your non-matching sweats, HA! j/k :) that's really awesome you won that bid! i'll let you know about tomorrow!
