Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When will they get here??

That's pretty much what's been on our minds lately. We had a doctor's appointment yesterday and it went really well. My doctor told me I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced (whatever that means!) Apparently it means that things are progressing and we could have babies by the end of the week. Then again, my doctor said it could very well be 2 more weeks. I'm such a planner and this part of pregnancy has been very hard..the not knowing. So Devin and I made some guesses. I'm thinking they'll arrive Tuesday, 9/15 and Devin thinks it will be this Friday, the 11th. Let me know what you think and we'll make a little game out of this!


  1. I am having a hard time guessing because I really want them to come tomorrow, but I am not very confident in that day!! So, I am going to go with Devin and say Friday (or sometime this weekend).

    Cassie (my office-mate) guesses next Tuesday.

  2. having been with you today, i can't even think about it and i'm not sure i can hang out with you again until they arrive b/c truth...i was FREAKING out today! :) i hate to say it, but i think you've got another week.

  3. I can't believe it has been a week since I last saw you! That's a long time...I'm going to by-pass 9/11 and guess Monday 9/13. I want to meet them!

  4. Maybe you should hold on 'til the 28th...we could share b-days! You know I always host good theme parties!
