Thursday, December 3, 2009

Decorating for Christmas

We got our tree Sunday morning. Devin looked up what time Home Depot opened and we were the first ones there. Not because we were worried about getting the best tree, but because we brought the girls and wanted to go when no one else was around to spread germs. Paranoid much?!?! We got there at 8 am and bought the first tree Devin picked up. (By the way, there really is a better selection early in the morning.) We decorated Sunday afternoon and listened to Christmas carols. We've never put up lights outside but attempted it this year. We didn't buy enough so they are super sad. Hopefully we'll get that fixed this weekend!

Our house

Tree shopping
As you can see, Kate and Lily couldn't be less interested.

Our tree...we need more ornaments but I decided I'm not going to buy just any ornament. I've never really collected anything but I'm going to start collecting ornaments now!

Our stockings...still haven't decided which ones to get Kate and Lily. I'll make a decision soon though!

Our sign for Santa. It was $5 at Hobby Lobby!

Baby's first Christmas ornament (we have two, of course!) from Aunt Sherry. They're hand painted and hot pink. SO cute.



  1. The house looks great!! I seriously can't believe how fast they've grown since I saw them last... I love their sweet little cheeks! :) haha!

  2. FUN! i had my eggnog latte yesterday and it was YUMMY! i'm going to call you this week. I AM COMING OVER!!!
