Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We're 3 weeks old today

Here are our stats from our most recent doctor's appointment:
Head circumference: 33.4 inches (4th percentile)
Height: 19.75 inches (25th percentile)
Weight: 6 pounds 5 ounces (10th percentile)

Head circumference: 33.9 inches (10th percentile)
Height: 20 inches (45th percentile)
Weight: 6 pounds 13 ounces (20th percentile)

These girls are eating like crazy! I'm very interested to see how much they've grown at our next appointment which isn't until 2 months. I'm guessing those percentiles will have sky rocketed. They're eating 4 ounces (half breast milk/ half formula) 8 times a day and they already seem to be wanting more. They have officially grown out of the single bassinet that we've been using. They're too big for it now and end up hitting each other and rolling over on one another. We've officially moved them from the double bassinet in our bedroom to their crib in their room. They're sharing Kate's crib for now. They prefer to sleep next to one another. No, they didn't tell us that...but it's obvious when they cry when we separate them to sleep at night. We think it's pretty sweet. They are already growing and changing so fast. I've got to start taking more pictures. Here's the last picture taken in their single bassinet. Kate is on the left and Lily is on the right. And yes, they sleep just like their mom with their arms in the air.


  1. PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Beautiful babies!!!!! They just keep getting cuter and cuter!! I can't wait to see them again! :)

  3. i think this is my favorite picture so far! my gosh they are too cute!!!

  4. Oh Kelly...they are so precious! I wish I could come down and see them tomorrow! And happy (late)anniversary...what an exciting time for you all! lp
