Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today is a very special day

Not only are Kate and Lily officially one month old but Devin and I have officially been married for 3 years. In honor of these two special occasions we had family pictures taken at our house this morning. Actually it was really a photo session for the girls, but Devin and I made a few shots as well. The photographer took over 1,000 pictures and will be sending us about 150 in about two weeks. I think the odds are in our favor that we'll get a few good pictures and I can't wait. I'm excited about sending out birth announcements and will probably be asking for help in picking out what pictures to use. Back to our anniversary....Last year we spent our two year anniversary touring vineyards in Napa and Sonoma. We also spent one night in San Francisco. It was by far my favorite trip we've ever been on. This year things are a little different (okay, a lot different!) with two babies but I'm very excited about staying in and spending our anniversary with them. We're going to order a pizza and pop open our last bottle of wine that we purchased from our favorite vineyard, Peju and I can't wait!

Here are a couple of pictures Devin took on his iphone of the girls today. In the first picture the girls are wearing the sweet outfits my Aunt Linda and Aunt Sherry got them. Kate is on the left and Lily is on the right.  They were absolutely gorgeous! The dresses are so special and I'm hoping Kate and Lily have girls to pass them down to. In the second picture I'm holding Lily in her monogrammed bloomers. Look at her chubby little cheeks!

P.S. The photographer taught us a little trick this afternoon. Kate started getting fussy so he turned on my hair dryer in the room and the sound seriously made her pass out. Confession: the hair dryer is still going so that I could steal a few minutes to write this.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. I hope yall had a great anniversary last night.

    Interesting about the hair dryer, who would have thought?!
