Friday, June 3, 2011

It's Summer!

 We've been working on ways to keep entertained as the temperature is getting closer to 100 degrees. We went to a splash park Tuesday with some of our friends in the neighborhood and had a blast. Splash parks, yet another thing I knew nothing about before having children. The girls had a blast so we went back with another friend this morning and the water wasn't turned on because a part was broken. Splash parks, not so much fun without water. Oh well, we'll be back much more this year. Here are some pictures we took after coming home since the park was closed.
Lily riding her new tricycle from Gigi
Playing in our pool. Pretty sure we could use a larger one this year!

Kate rocking on our neighbor's front porch

Kate and Lily talking to the neighbor's dog


  1. It's bikini time! Love it!

  2. man it sure is getting HOT out there! cute pics :)
    and LOVE that hydrangea!!!

  3. I'll buy the smaller pool from you, if you get rid of it!

  4. I love water pictures!! Catherine, that's funny I noticed the hydrangea too and thought it looked great!!
