Friday, January 7, 2011

Kate and Lily are 15 months

I'm very behind right now and am having trouble getting motivated to transfer and sort through pictures as well as document what we've been up to. At 15 months the girls are extremely active and wearing me out! We traveled a lot for Christmas- Redstone, CO, Shreveport, LA, and West Monroe, LA. It was so much fun to see family but it was a lot of work. I'm documenting this now...we will not be traveling next Christmas. But back to 15 months....

 This month has been the month of the molars. Lily has all 4 of hers! I can't believe how old she looks with all her new teeth. Kate has 2 of hers and is struggling with her last 2. They've been pretty painful for her and I just can't wait until all this teething stuff is over with. Both girls weigh 21 pounds and I'm not sure about their height. I do know that we have some very tall girls. Yesterday they were standing next to a two year old and they were the same height! They are still wearing a size 3 diaper, size 4 shoes and size 12-18 month clothes. They can still fit into their 12m dresses but the pants and tops are way too short. We've gotten a hair growth spurt and it looks like we have little mullets in the back. I'm in the process of scheduling their first haircuts.
 Both Kate and Lily are going through a "mommy phase", again. Kate is a little more independent but both girls really want to be held, a lot. (See picture above) I find myself telling them "you are a do not get to be held all the time." Not that they know what I'm saying. They're getting so big and they're so strong that it's really hard for me to hold them at the same time like I used to be able to.

The girls were still a little confused about opening presents but they really liked the paper and ribbon and they really liked the bows. I can't wait until next year when they'll probably understand more. We went to a place we heard about from another mom of twins called Open Gym this last Tuesday. It was so much fun and I'm not sure why I haven't taken them before. I really have to work myself up to getting out and trying new things with the girls. It's so much work to leave the house but we also have so much fun once we do. Lily was upset that we had to go to the other side of the gym, where Kate had run off to. I went to pick her up and she threw herself on the floor and was screaming and flailing her arms. She's done that a few times and I'm trying to ignore it. She can be such a little drama queen.

We don't really have any new words this month. However, I did figure out what "go-go" means. Lily always says "go-go" to our dog and I figured out she's saying "good-girl" because we always say that to our dog. She pats her on her head when she says it. Very cute! The girls love to play peek a boo and they are very good at pointing out their nose. We're working on our eyes and mouth this week and I'm sure they'll have it by the end of the week. They also still love to clap and dance and are very, very busy little babies. We've worked on sign language off and on for the last 6 months and they finally have the sign for more down. I'm trying to focus more on teaching them the signs because they're getting more and more frustrated because they can't communicate. We'll see how it goes! Looking forward to month 16. Times flies!

1 comment:

  1. gosh kelly. i'm exhausted just reading this post! let me know if you want to take them somewhere one day and need some help. i am signed up to sub, but that won't be everyday. i'd love to come help. hang in there :) it'll get easier one of these days!
