Kate and Lily are everywhere and into everything. It's a little out of control but they've both been so happy and content lately that I'll take it. Kate said "mama" a couple of months ago but never said it again. It very well could have been a fluke. She is now saying it all the time..."mama, mama, mama". She just says it over and over again. Music to my ears!
Lily and Kate racing across the room
Devin's parents were in town last week from Colorado! They moved in January and now live 18 hours away from us, close to Aspen. We've missed them so much and it's been nice seeing them. The girls have changed so much in the last 5 months and I can't imagine how crazy that is for his parents. We wish they still lived here but we are very excited about all the ski trips and white Christmas's in our future!
The girls are so much fun right now and really starting to work up an appetite. They've started eating finger food (though really not very good at it!) but it's a lot of fun making their meals. This morning they had pieces of a whole wheat bagel, very small cheese cubes and my homemade apple sauce. We tried peas this week and they weren't very fond of those and I can't blame them. I always taste what I make for them and they were pretty much awful. Tomorrow we're trying kiwi and I'm sure that will be a hit. Their favorites are still sweet potatoes, avocado and banana.
Sweet Lily. I love her eyes in this pictures.
Kate. She looks so happy and innocent.
I know Rob and Donna had fun, Kate and Lily are little "funsters"!!! Have they taken any steps yet? They are so photogenic, everyone in the office has to look at the Kate and Lily fridge when they come in, I need to post a current pic, the last one is from 7 months! Hope all is well with you and Devin and the girls, sounds like it is! I miss you all and want to come see you ASAP! Don't know when that will be. Love to all, give hugs and kisses to our little munchkins! Love Aunt Linda