Friday, July 30, 2010

Family, more family and friends!

We've had lots of visitors this last weekend and this week and it's been so much fun! Aunt Linda came and stayed with us last Thursday night on her way to Iowa for a family reunion. It was nice catching up the girls really enjoyed showing off for her. Then my parents came in town Friday night and stayed with us the rest of the weekend. Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jeff joined us as well making the drive all the way from Memphis, so we were all together and it was so nice. They all had a wedding Saturday night and I tagged along with them (or crashed) while Devin was kind enough to stay at home with the girls. We had a great time and I'm so happy that we've gotten to see family so much this year. I really want Kate and Lily surrounded by family and friends as much as possible and I know that they understand in their own special way just how much they are loved.
Yesterday Catherine came over for the afternoon and we made the girls first birthday invitations while they napped. They are SO, SO cute. I absolutely love them and cannot wait to send them out. And they are super special because they're hand made by a very special friend. And me- I helped cut the paper! Jen joined us after she got off work and we all went out for pizza after the girls went to bed. Again, so much fun and it was so nice of them to make the trip from FW to Dallas. My friends are so pretty!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pictures from this week

First of all we had a wonderful lunch with our good friend Courtney Black yesterday. We did a little shopping with the girls and ate at Bread Winners. It was so good and so nice to get out with a friend! The girls were pretty good as well and I think enjoyed all the people watching. Unfortunately no pictures from lunch, but here are some new pictures from this week. Enjoy!

Lily helping me with laundry
Kate all done with her banana. If you look closely you can see all her food on her bib. Half of it goes in her mouth, and the other half just hangs out for later.
Kate waking Lily up from her morning nap. The first thing Kate does is run to Lily's crib if she's still sleeping. It's so sweet.
Lily upset because she got woken up.
Kate's new way to travel with objects/toys. She likes to take Lily's bows out of her hair and chew on them. She also loves to crawl around with her dolly in her mouth so she can take it wherever she goes. Pretty comical but I think she's pretty smart for figuring it out!
The girls playing before bed. They love climbing on top of each other right now.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Party dresses

Last night we went to a birthday party for one of Devin's colleagues and brought the girls even though it was past their bedtime. They were so good and had a lot of fun playing with the "big girls". We basically had little babysitters because the older girls there pushed them around in the stroller. It was pretty nerve wrecking at first as I watched Kate and Lily getting pushed into chairs, people as well as a wall here and there, but ultimately they had a blast and we're hoping they didn't come home with any bad germs!
The girls playing before we left
Kate and Lily with the girls. Kate looks terrified in this picture and sweet Lily hasn't learned that you can't do that with your legs when wearing a dress!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

9 month check up

We had our 9 month appointment this morning and it went very well. The girls are still right on track with all their measurements and development and we're so lucky to have such beautiful, healthy babies.

Height: 29.25 inches, 90%
Weight:18.8 pounds, 48%
Head: 44.5 inches, 70%

Height: 28.75 inches. 74%
Weight: 18.13 pounds, 48%
Head: 46.4 inches. 92%

So as you can see Kate is becoming a very long little girl and Lily's head just keeps growing. The girls were weighed two weeks ago (we had to go see the doctor when they were sick) and in those two weeks they have both gained about 1/2 a pound each. Looks like our new love of cheese toast is showing up on the scale!

I just don't understand how they've gone from this.....
To this...

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I'm so bad about taking pictures when people come over to see us. Lindsay came over Wednesday to play with the girls and go to dinner with me. She's so good with babies and it was great to see her and have a night out with a girlfriend. We tried out little katana on Travis and it was pretty good.

We also got to see Catherine's new house in FW on Friday. It's so cute and she's done such a good job decorating. Unfortunately she had to redecorate after we left because I had to baby proof her house when we got there. I did manage to get a few pictures.
Now Catherine knows how hard it is to stage a picture with both girls. Not happening!

Here are some pictures of the girls in their high chairs:
 And if you're wondering why Kate is smiling, it's because Elle is licking her hand. And if you're wondering how Kate gets her to lick her hand, it's by feeding her food. Not sure how to break this habit except locking Elle up while they eat.

Last, but not least, here's a picture from our girls trip to Sam's Club this morning. Thank you, thank you, thank you Sam's for the double shopping cart! It's the little things.....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flash back in car seats

Kate and Lily under 6 pounds each
Lily and Kate at 18 pounds each

9 months and hair bows

The girls are 9 months as of June 30th. This post is a little late but we've been sick over here and we're just now getting over it. We're really starting to show our little personalities over the last month and we've had lots of changes. Most importantly we are now able to wear bows in our hair! This is a huge milestone for Kate and Lily and we're looking forward to not getting mistaken for boys anymore. Side note- if the baby is wearing pink it's safe to assume that baby is a girl.

Kate has been such a happier baby and her top teeth don't seem to be bothering her as much as the bottom ones as they're coming in. She has three teeth total, two bottom and one top. It's crazy how the top teeth make her look so grown up. Kate is a good eater and is really starting to be able to feed herself her finger foods. Sometimes I think she finished everything on her tray but then I take her out of the high chair, she's literally sitting on 20 cheerios. She's getting it though and it will be so much easier on me when she can feed herself. Kate has officially given up her "special crawl" and is crawling around everywhere. I think one day she just got it and she hasn't gone back. She's starting to become very vocal and crawls up to me and makes all kinds of noises until I pick her up. She's doing so well standing and pulling herself up but has trouble getting down. If I hear her crying and I'm in the other room, it's safe to say she's standing at a chair and needs help down. Poor thing!

Miss Lily has 4 teeth, two bottom and two top. She also has a 5th coming in. So happy that they all decided to come in at the same time (insert sarcasm). She's my bossy little girl and is really starting to know what she wants, and most importantly what she doesn't want. She prefers for me to feed her and will scream until I put the next bite in her mouth. Maybe that's why Kate is feeding herself better? She doesn't want to have to wait on Lily! There are several things Lily does not like including putting a bib on, not being able to drink out of your cup and getting her nose/face wiped after she eats. She absolutely hates that and will start flailing and has even hit me in the face a time or two. What?? Who knew a 9 month old could hit so hard. Honestly I try not to laugh because it gets pretty funny and I can tell she's going to be my strong willed girl. She's also got such a great sense of humor and has started to really enjoy music. She's my little dancer. We took the girls out to dinner at a mexican restaurant and Lily loved the music- so much that she hit her head on the table while dancing. Wonder where she gets her dance moves?

Both girls are standing very well and I'm guessing they could very well be walking in the next couple of months..scary. Lily has even started moving from furniture to furniture. She seriously has no fear. As for food, we're really starting to try more and more things. We've even started eating chicken. I'm really looking forward to us all being able to eat together, especially now that we can make it out to restaurants.
And this is the best picture I could get of the girls. It is SO hard to keep them sitting down and you can pretty much bet that they will always have their hands in their mouth because of their new teeth. So there it is, 9 months. Can you believe they're getting close to a year????