Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What's going on...

I wish I had lots of fun pictures to post but the reality is I haven't been bringing out my camera much lately and Kate and Lily haven't been in the best picture taking moods either. Don't get me wrong, we've been having lots of good times and the girls are growing and learning new things like crazy. But, we've also had lots of really hard two year old moments that have been wearing this mommy out. Look how big these two are getting! One more thing....the girls are starting to consistently use the potty. We stayed home all day Saturday and let them wear underwear and they only had one accident during dinner. They slept in pull ups for their naps but they did excellent and I'm hoping after a few more weekends of staying home and practicing that they'll be out of diapers. I can't imagine. Fingers crossed!
Lily playing dress up


Kate taking care of her baby

Lily not having anything to do with this picture

The back of Kate's head...just added this to show how much hair they're getting!

Lily dancing (iphone picture)

Kate shopping (iphone picture)


  1. these just crack me up! they are getting so big. you're house must be a mess if they keep those toys pulled out all the time, haha! oh the JOYS!

  2. Looks like they are having tooooo much fun!!! Busy, busy! Tell Kate Aunt Linda thinks she doesn't need to go shopping, looks like she has shopped the store out! Love it!!!
