Thursday, November 17, 2011

First haircuts

 Kate and Lily have been struggling to grow hair since shortly after they were born. They had pretty dark hair when they were born and then it all fell out shortly after. It then grew in a light brownish blond color. I don't want to cut bangs so we've been trying to grow them out for about two years now. The back of their hair has grown more so they pretty much have a mullet. Our good friend Alison who babysits for the girls time to time does hair so offered to trim their mullets. She came to our house and the whole process lasted 5 minutes. They really don't look any different but I'm hoping the trim will make their hair grow back longer and thicker. We'll see! We strapped the girls in their booster seats, turned on the television and gave them fruit snacks to sit still. It worked!
Alison with the girls pre-haircut
Kate clapping after her hair was trimmed


We decided to finger paint after since we were so good during our haircuts

Kate's masterpiece

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