Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Yesterday we went over to Aunt Melissa's and got to play with our cousin Sloane. While we were over there, Lily officially crawled. Not a scoot, or a crawl/ was a crawl. And it continued when we got home. She actually made it the length of her bedroom.

Our other first is from Kate. Two days ago, Kate said MA-MA. She was in her swing and I went to pick her up and she very clearly said mama. Devin was in the other room and heard it loud and clear as well.

Lots of fun things at 28 weeks. We have our doctor's appointment tomorrow that I'm excited about. Who gets excited about doctor's appointments?!?

 Kate and Lily
Kate growling at me
Lily in the front and Kate in the back
The view of our living room..I mean playroom


  1. What precious pumpkins!!! And what a fun 28 week celebration!!!! Love you!

  2. Yay Lily and Kate!! Love the growling picture!

  3. HA! oh kate, what kind of face is that?! i knew they would be crawling soon! YAY. now they will just need to teach each other their new tricks!
